About Us – The Fans of Horror

About Us – The Fans of Horror

Hello again and welcome our lovely readers! We hope you liked reading about the beginnings of the horror genre by reading our welcome post and that you learnt some facts you didn’t already know.

Now, we feel it’s time to tell you more about our actual blog, and of course, a little bit more about us. We treat this project as our new baby, so we want you to feel comfortable and cozy, while reading our articles; we want them to feel like stories being told by a dear friend of yours.

We believe the way to do that is by discussing our own interests, so you can put “a face” to the content that you’re reading. We also wanted to tell you how we even came up with the idea to create a blog dedicated to horror, so sit back and read all about it in this section.

Werewolves, Zombies, or Vampires

Our collective is made of five brilliant individuals and big geeks. We all met in middle school and we are proud to have been able to sustain our friendship for so many years. We believe that one of the reasons why that’s the case is because we have very similar interests that might be too niche to talk about with normal people.

For example, how many sane people have you heard discussing which supernatural entity would win in a fight for two hours straight? A couple of times a year? Yeah, we think we can confidently guess that one. But we honestly wouldn’t have it any other way; our geeky arguments are a big part of who we are and why our group is so tightly-knitted.

Why Make This Blog

The reason we constantly debate these niche and geeky topics is because most of what we do when we are together is play video games and watch movies, most of which are horrors. Since we are doing this all the time anyway, we thought we might actually turn it into a useful hobby. That’s how the idea of the blog was born.

We also considered creating a YouTube channel, but there’s something simplistic and desired in a blog where you can write a tiny article, but make it very concise and straight to the point. We also feel very nostalgic about the mid-2000’s and the boom of blogs. Nobody seems to blog these days, so we decided to be the change we wanted to see online and bring back that forgotten art.

Blog Contents

Now let’s talk about the blog itself, because that’s why you are here after all. So, our blog’s overreaching theme is horror, and there are three subsections that we are going to explore. The first is horror literature, the second is horror films, and the third one is horror podcasts. We might also include a fourth division of horror video games in the future, if you like that.

We picked these three categories because we consume a lot of media, especially weekly podcasts, so we can use this knowledge for good and you can join us and explore new creators. One of us is also an English major who really wanted to make use of his studies to give you a better perspective on your favourite horror novels.

As already said, we want our articles to be of medium length to provide a fun and easy read, like the articles you’d read with your morning coffee.

Thank You

Thank you for reading this post and thank you even more for supporting this blog! We can’t do this without people like you who reads and enjoys our content. Thank you again!